The Writing Goes Slow and Steady

Hello World

Yes, I’m still alive; Covid-19 hasn’t hit, thank God, and the Moderna vaccine. I have just dropped out of the blogging gig for a while. Personal issues have taken quite a bit of my time lately. But everything is fine now, and so is my writing.

The final chapters of my current YA fantasy/horror/mystery novel are coming along and after that, what’s left to do is a fresh edit from the start. Then off for editing bids at

New Story Ideas

In the maze of confusion, I did manage to jot down several new ideas for an adult novel and one for young adults that I liked. But unfortunately, my illustrations for my next BluBerrie manuscript are on life support. James O. Youngcliff the writer, is draining all the creativity and won’t share it with the artist/illustrator in him for inspiration.

Not Much More to Share

Yes, there is one more thing: the Stimulus Checks from the Dems have really helped me out. Because book sales have plummeted for James O. Youngcliff–but no worries, I plan on taking a part of the Stimulus money to help with advertising. Problem is, I don’t know where I can get the most bang for the bucks? Amazon? Google? (Let me know if you have any idea which is best on a limited budget?)

I wished Amazon hadn’t stopped their Author’s free Give-A-Ways. I had great participation for a modest investment. I might consider doing “something” like that on a smaller scale.

Having several different hats available to wear i.e. writer, artist, publisher, etc., seems difficult enough but at my age, I’m not sure if I’d like to split my time up anymore. That much effort requires more energy than my vitamines can offer. And I certainly don’t enjoy the “business” aspects of self-publishing.

Even securing an agent or an outside publisher makes me want to puke at the time it would take (if they would consider my work) to find reasonable and affordable help.

That’s It!

CYA, soon. Stay safe. And don’t forget, “Life is but a dream, don’t let it slip away…”

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Published by James O. Youngcliff

James O. Youngcliff is a children’s fiction writer who has published several exciting “telling stories” for adolescents with his BluBerrie Series. In addition, he’s written several fantasy novels for the advanced young adult reader. His works, however, never fail to impart wisdom for those willing to take the time to go down the “road less traveled.” So, prepare yourself for the strange, surreal, and twisted. Originally from New York City, he lives in Dade City, Florida and when not writing, he oil paints, and exhibits in art galleries throughout his home state. Currently, he is working on his fifth BluBerrie Chapter Book, BluBerrie: The Botanical Garden, publishing soon. Be sure to check for more book details or visit his blog at To purchase his books, go to at:

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