2024 Is Here And I know, I’ve Neglected My Blog–Sorry!

RE-CAP: It seems, and once again, it’s been another year since my last post. So, if anybody is still interested, I have only one word for you: Sorry. As the quote goes, “Life is hell, and then you die,” seems to make sense for me as I get older; and perhaps, less wiser. I’VE LOSS …

Wow! It’s Been Over a Year!

Dear Fans: (If I have any left) Time does fly. It’s hard to believe it’s been over a year since my last post! All I can say is that I’ve been busy.  And yes, I’ve been writing too. But I am mostly going crazy, and messing around with a bit of farming. And yes, more …

Happy Holidays, With a Footnote

Not a Profitable Year With somber tidings to all, may 2022 bring us better times? We pray it does. I for one, intend on re-evaluating what I’ll be doing professionally next year. The book publishing division within Jacabo Studio is not happy with sales. And my best guess, they’ll be cutting back on advertising and …

Great News: I’m Done!

BluBerrie: The Botanical Gardens is published! You wouldn’t believe the stress level that comes with publishing three novels at a time. I certainly didn’t, until now! So no need to go over all of the old war stories and report; all I know is that I enjoyed writing it for my young readers in hopes …

The Writing Goes Slow and Steady

Hello World Yes, I’m still alive; Covid-19 hasn’t hit, thank God, and the Moderna vaccine. I have just dropped out of the blogging gig for a while. Personal issues have taken quite a bit of my time lately. But everything is fine now, and so is my writing. The final chapters of my current YA …

Behind the Scene of James O. Youngcliff’s New Novel

The Inside Scoop It’s true; I’m almost halfway through writing a new novel for youngsters. And yes, I have some hints about what’s in the manuscript: It’s a fantasy, mystery, and horror novel all roll into one—what else? I guess that’s what happens when an author enjoys telling scary stories to kids. And, as is …

Update on James O. Youngcliff’s Latest BluBerrie Novel

BluBerrie: The Botanical Garden Is Coming The budget for the newest children’s novel, BluBerrie: The Botanical Garden, is adequate for a possible pub date in December. The better news: It’s already edited; the bad news: the ten or so projected illustrations are not complete. Ouch! Two reasons for the delay, one, I’m also the illustrator, …

Vote Blue!

My Opinion: It is strange, if not in fact, illogical that after almost four years of tearing down America, many Americans can still back the most tyrannical president we’ve had in modern history! What’s more frightening is the fanatical and cult-like obsession Republicans or Trumpeters have with voting against their best interest. It’s like they …

I Must Make One Political Post

PLEASE VOTE! In this tragic final days of this W.H. administration, Americans can and will prevail from this Covid-19-like-pandemic we are facing by voting out this President and his Republican Senate supporters. Americans need a vaccine to fix what ails us. And the November Election is just that vaccine! I’ve taken that vaccine–I voted by …

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