I’m back!

Cover of book shows the title: The Magical, Mystical Golden Steed. And photo montage of a golden steed, a witch and  eerie forest scene.
The Magical, Mystical Golden Steed
is scheduled to publish Sept. 2, 2019
There’s so much to tell…

Sorry, for not posting sooner. I’ve been putting to “bed” my latest novel for children, The Magical, Mystical Golden Steed. It took me away from my posting because I illustrated the book. By the time I was finished, I had over 14 drawings done for it.

They are 9 in. x 12 in. in full color (BTW, they are for sale if anyone is interested. Please contact me and I’ll give you details and prices). One big side note: It was my first crack at colored pencils, so naturelly they took longer to do. In fact, over three weeks, and over nine hours for each drawing.

I must confess, my beautiful daughter turned me on to coloring pencils. I normally draw in charcoal pencils and only with two colors. i.e. https://www.jacabostudio.com/charcoal-pencil-drawings.html 

Did I mention that besides authoring children’s books, I’m also a surrealist artist? My work as a painter gets heavy, and I noticed that it spilled over to my current illustrations for the new novel. One can see the influences in several of the drawings (see image below). I tend to like the simple use of media for my drawings. I like charcoal and in only two flavors, that is, till now. 

What else?

Oh, yes: If you missed a chance to win a free digital copy of my earlier book, The Pickled Man, go over to https://giveaway.amazon.com/p/2855d30a7bb4447d . The contest is well on its way, but you still have time to enter: August 18, 2019 11:59 PM.

What am I forgetting?

One more item to report: I’m working on something new and exciting in my next novel, Into the Bowels of the Sea. (Interesting title, isn’t it? Please let me know what you really think.) Why is it “new and exciting”? 

Glad you asked. Well, for starters, it takes place at sea and I don’t know the first thing about the sea — yes, I swim — but it’s exciting to be able to plunge in, “sink or swim” so to speak. But I digress. The story is about a teenager who must survive at sea by himself after his father dies… and that’s it. I don’t have much more, just that the idea of learning on how one survives at sea could be very fun

One thing I do know for sure, I don’t plan on writing it “straight.” You know, the typical TV or movie script boring fashion… Oh, Oh… I got to go… I just got an email from Amazon support that they are working on resolving my issue. And they need more info in order to help me out.

Til’ we meet again, “CYA!”

James Oliver Youngcliff

This illustration is an example from the up and coming children's book, The Magical, Mystical Golden Steed.
Strawflower, the golden steed, wonders what is this raven doing sitting on top of a puma?
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Quick Shorts on What’s Happening

Chance to Win a Free Children’s Book

The chance for a Giveaway is over for the children’s book, BluBerrie: The CandyStore with two winners. It took two weeks for the prizes to go but the exposure was great. I like to thank the many folks who signed up.  Anyone who missed out can have another chance to win a copy of BluBerrie: The Pond now on: click here.  This is the second book in the BluBerrie Serie.

Sales of BluBerrie: The CandyStore are on the upturn again. I guess it is due to the promotions currently going on for the July 4th celebrations. BTW, don’t forget to check out the sale price on our latest horror novel for young adults, The Pickled Man.

Be the First to get a FREE* Signed Proof Copy

One free proof copy of The Pickled Man goes to the first person who comments below and requests it. (Sorry, I only have one to giveaway, must be eighteen or older to participate.) I will provide an email to send in your info once I receive notice of your request. (*Free book and shipping available only within the continental US only. Offer expires July 15, 2019)

 My site is NOT fully functional, but I’m trying

I’m having trouble with forms and video, so, please be patient. I’ll eventually get it right. There’s a lot more “stuff” I have to get around to getting done first. Writing is easy. Promoting is NOT. But I’m getting a good handle on it. Anyways… that’s it for now. Hope to hear from a lucky participant.  — j.o.y.

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Time’s Left to Enter my Free Chance at a Giveaway

We had such good participation in our first giveaway with BluBerrie’s The CandyStore that I decided to add another. Yup! I’m now offering a chance to win copies of BluBerrie: The Pond through July 1st. Click here. (If you get a “Not allowed to enter error message,” save the link and try it again in a different session.)

OK. Two more days before the final release of my horror novel for young adults, The Pickled Man, be sure to check it out. I’ve had a lot of folks remark how much they like my cover for the book. So, I’m encouraged that at least, we’re starting on the right foot.

Not much more news to report, other than I’m on Instagram for the first time. A bit confusing. I’m not used to the “#” tags way of getting folks to communicate. (Better to leave me a comment here.) BTW, don’t look for me on Facebook. After they allowed the Russain trolls to influence the 2016 Elections, I decided to part company.

On the writing front, let me tell you it’s going slow. I had my son and his family over this weekend, and I’ve not had the energy or enthusiasm to sit and write. Anyway, the end of the month is super crazy for me: with promoting my new novel and budget constraints, it’s been stressful all around.

Hey, I nearly forgot to say: When my grandson was here (he is eight years old now), I mentioned I needed help with this other manuscript I was writing, and believe me, he saved me. He offered me a solution to my main character’s impossible situation. Leave me a comment if anyone’s interested in the details.

Well… that’s it. CYA!

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Over 80 Entrants in My Free Giveaway

A lot of folks are entering their chance to win copies of my BluBerrie: The CandyStore children’s book. Midway through the free contest and I’m encouraged by the participation. Truth to the matter, I needed some encouragement and this investment in Amazon’s Giveaway promotion for authors has helped. Let’s hope I can get some more sales from it.

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Tweaking the James O. Youngcliff Blog

WordPress, I’m told is very simple to use; however, for a writer and painter, it has proven challenging. I did some research and discovered this neat code to have the menu travel as the viewer scrolls up and down, which I hope you’ll find it helpful.

BTW, just a reminder that my FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY is still going on so trying checking it out. If anyone is having trouble with the link, please let me know.

Well, back to work: I’m in the middle of making changes to my last manuscript for The Magical, Mystical Golden Steed that the editor returned. I freely admit they are many! Heck, I guess that makes my work better, and I get a big check on reality. LOL.

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The Pickled Man is Here!

Finally, The Pickle Man is in Print!

Front Cover to James O. Youngcliff's new horror novel for young adults
“Often, life sours by the hate it consumes.”

I’m new to Blogging, so forgive me if my blog website is rather simple. Later, when I learn some of the plug-ins, I’ll dress things up a bit. But today I have fantastic news: I wanted to let my fans know that my newest novel for young adults, “The Pickled Man” is available for pre-order at Amazon: click here.

Please check it out! It’s my first horror story and one that deals with terror, the environment and some hard choices family have to make in the future to stay alive. I enjoyed writing it and I look forward to any comments you may have to say. *— j.o.y. *

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“Weird and Rare” (Really?) Interview with James O. Youngcliff

WOW! After much torture and brain spasms, I was finally able to follow YouTube video instructions (not their fault) to bring you the link to my video: click here . Let me know what you think? Rather an amateur endeavor, huh? I must admit it, however, in a strange sort of way — I like it.

But, I am annoyed at the caption (and incorrectly stated, if I might add), it wasn’t my wish to present any “surreal philosophy” of mine; instead, the film was boring on its own, and I was hungry. I’m a bear without breakfast, and besides, I hate giving out interviews. I asked that they do “something” for I looked too surreal and old talking to myself.

In contrast, I’m glad they didn’t edit out the part of The Pickled Man, which is why I interviewed in the first place. As I posted earlier, the digital version is available on Amazon for pre-order now. Both digital and print versions will publish on June 29th. I am just waiting on the proof to arrive in the next couple of days to sign off.

Front Cover to James O. Youngcliff's new horror novel for young adults

BTW, what do you guys think of the cover? Creepy I bet! The black and white picture is even more disturbing. More hints and comments to come on the storyline.

Hey, this post is getting too long; let me end it with a “many thanks!” And keep coming back. — j.o.y.

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Finally, The James O. Youngcliff blog site is up and running

So far so good. I’ve been able to get the blog up. Tried many different apps but the WordPress is the simplest and easiest to use. I hope you guys can leave comments without any problems. Please let me know if you do have any issues at joy@jamesoyoungcliff.com and I’ll try to get back to you.

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