Time’s Left to Enter my Free Chance at a Giveaway

We had such good participation in our first giveaway with BluBerrie’s The CandyStore that I decided to add another. Yup! I’m now offering a chance to win copies of BluBerrie: The Pond through July 1st. Click here. (If you get a “Not allowed to enter error message,” save the link and try it again in a different session.)

OK. Two more days before the final release of my horror novel for young adults, The Pickled Man, be sure to check it out. I’ve had a lot of folks remark how much they like my cover for the book. So, I’m encouraged that at least, we’re starting on the right foot.

Not much more news to report, other than I’m on Instagram for the first time. A bit confusing. I’m not used to the “#” tags way of getting folks to communicate. (Better to leave me a comment here.) BTW, don’t look for me on Facebook. After they allowed the Russain trolls to influence the 2016 Elections, I decided to part company.

On the writing front, let me tell you it’s going slow. I had my son and his family over this weekend, and I’ve not had the energy or enthusiasm to sit and write. Anyway, the end of the month is super crazy for me: with promoting my new novel and budget constraints, it’s been stressful all around.

Hey, I nearly forgot to say: When my grandson was here (he is eight years old now), I mentioned I needed help with this other manuscript I was writing, and believe me, he saved me. He offered me a solution to my main character’s impossible situation. Leave me a comment if anyone’s interested in the details.

Well… that’s it. CYA!

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Published by James O. Youngcliff

James O. Youngcliff is a children’s fiction writer who has published several exciting “telling stories” for adolescents with his BluBerrie Series. In addition, he’s written several fantasy novels for the advanced young adult reader. His works, however, never fail to impart wisdom for those willing to take the time to go down the “road less traveled.” So, prepare yourself for the strange, surreal, and twisted. Originally from New York City, he lives in Dade City, Florida and when not writing, he oil paints, and exhibits in art galleries throughout his home state. Currently, he is working on his fifth BluBerrie Chapter Book, BluBerrie: The Botanical Garden, publishing soon. Be sure to check BluBerrieBooks.com for more book details or visit his blog at JamesOYoungcliff.com. To purchase his books, go to Amazon.com at: https://www.amazon.com/James-O-Youngcliff/e/B07DR671HL?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_3&qid=1627826452&sr=8-3

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